What Is The Cloud Prospect Machine?

Cloud Prospect Machine






Cloud Prospecting Machine is the ultimate system for finding websites that are not mobile optimised.

This system is able to search for business websites that are falling in Google’s mobile quality rankings.

This is an incredibly timely release for all of us because in the past few days, Google has declared that mobile now has a higher priority than desktops. This makes sense since we do know the trend now that mobile traffic has pretty much surpassed desktop traffic in volume. After all, it’s likely that you do browse the internet a lot more on your smartphone on the move these days, than being chained to your desktop at home. 🙂

In simple terms, this means that anyone who has a website that lacks friendliness on cell phones and tablet devices will now suffer in Google’s search engine rankings.

This is going to cause a huge shakeup for local businesses. Many will lose rankings but for those that know what they are doing – there will be a huge advantage of opportunity.

This is where Cloud Prospect Machine steps in – by providing a way to not only identify underperforming sites, but also to produce a detailed report that shows exactly where the website is falling down.

This alone would be a powerful selling tool – but Cloud Prospect Machine goes further by then finding correct contact details for the business owner and preparing a ‘pitch’ email to inform them of the situation, problem and remedy.

Cloud Prospect Machine is a complete system for identifying people with problem sites, providing contact details and a ready made email, plus a detailed report to highlight the pain and the solution.


Mobilegeddon Has Created Huge Opportunities To Help Website Owners 


CNBC, The BBC, Business Insider, CNN, The Financial Times and many more media outlets agree: Google’s latest update, MobileGeddon is causing shockwaves for websites.

Business owners are suffering – with up to 40% of page one rankings expected to change. The last time this happened, over $1 BILLION in turnover was transferred between the winners and losers.

Cloud Prospect Machine thus acts as a “business system in a box” for you by automating the following steps for you to make good profits:

  • Step 1: Finds Vulnerable websites in any region & niche.
  • Step 2: Creates unique reports showing specific issues for each of those sites
  • Step 3: Finds contact details that get your message to the right person
  • Step 4: Automate bulk messaging that actually converts using the unique niche profile system


Here Is EXACTLY How Having Cloud Prospect Machine Helps Your Business

In a nutshell, Mobile marketing just got a huge shot in the arm thanks to Google putting mobile first in their rankings. This is a genuine business-in-a-box product that allows you to find businesses and websites that need fixing. Everything is done from identifying prospects to getting their contact details to reports and ‘closing’ emails.


Watch a quick preview video here:

Don’t forget to claim your special bonus package here if you decide to invest in Cloud Prospect Machine through this site

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