So you’ve spent countless hours thinking, planning, filming and editing your web videos. And finally, the video is ready to be uploaded and distributed across the Internet. However, there is only one problem; you aren’t quite sure where to place your video? There are literally hundreds of websites that allow you to upload your web videos; however, not all of these sites will give you the traffic that you really need.

When you are searching for the right places to post your web video, you will want to ensure that they have enough daily traffic to give your video some exposure and visibility. Of course, there are plenty of websites that will allow you to have this exposure, so the key is just putting up your video on the right sites.

So far out of the many individuals who make web videos, there is just one site that provides them with enough traffic and daily viewers to give them the needed exposure. This site is none other than YouTube, and it is quickly becoming one of the top sites for individuals to be entertained, informed and enlightened at every moment. With the ability for literally anyone to post a video, you are able to show the world what you have to say.

However, the key to getting your video seen by YouTube users is by placing keywords that are popularly searched and are related directly to what your video is about. If you are showing a new product, type in keywords that refer to the product and what it does. It is easy to gain views from YouTube for just about any video; however, you must know how to describe your video properly.

Believe it or not, there’s another website that is quickly becoming popular in posting videos, and that is none other than good old MySpace. There have been many individuals who have gained notoriety through this site, and if you are promoting a service or product, than you don’t want to miss this website. The reason why videos do so well on this website is because it allows you to watch videos and then instantly show your friends, because MySpace is more than a video hosting site, it was and still is a decently popular social networking site, besides gigantic Facebook.

Thus, if your video truly sheds light on a particular subject, or is very helpful, it won’t be long until your video gains ground and starts circulating throughout thousands of friends’ lists. Of course, make sure that your video clearly explains its topic and is very helpful, because the last thing that you want to do is mislead thousands and ruin your reputation.

If you want to post your video on another site that has millions of visitors, then you will want to put your video on Google Video. This amazing website will allow you to post your video, similar to YouTube, and then let people search for the video either through the main page at Google Video, or through the good old Google search engine. Again, this is where putting in the proper keywords is extremely important, if not pivotal to your video’s success.

Remember, if you put time and energy into your video, you will want to also put time and energy into where and how you post your videos. By doing so, you will most likely experience web video success, and increased traffic to your website.

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