Speedy Profit Creator

Quick, sharp and to the point… Speedy Profit Creator is a profit ‘time bomb’ when used correctly. This is a product that’s loaded with content and no fluff.

Speedy Profit Creator

So what’s it all about? Very simply, product creation itself. Now you might have thought, doesn’t it take months if not years to create your very own product? Well maybe yes, if you’re trying to invent something totally new. But what if you’re just trying to create something decent quickly? A product that can add value and yet make you good money at the same time, a win-win situation.

So that’s what Speedy Profit Creator is designed to do: Help you create a profitable product as quickly and smoothly as possible. That’s aptly described by this little graphic formula at the top of their sales page:


So there are the key elements to get you started with making quick profits. To start off with, you can download this sampler free report by closing the sales page and opting to receive this FREE report. 🙂

Freebie: Jump Start Report PDF + Jump Start Video

Speedy Profit Creator

It’s good reading to get warmed up with if you’re not too sure yet.
The report of 15 pages is a 5-step jumpstart on creating a ‘magnet’ that attracts customers to your business. There is also a video tutorial that guides you through the process, and if you’re willing to share the product on your Facebook or Twitter account, you get access to 2 additional videos on creating a squeeze page to drive traffic and monetize it through your ‘magnet’.

This is already great value for something that’s still FREE. So once you’re ready to get your feet wet, it’s just $5 to upgrade that 15-page PDF to this full 40-page version that is much more complete:


Option #1: Basic Member $5 – Freebies + SPC system ebook + MP3 Audio Course

Speedy Profit Creator

Now with the basic upgrade, this e-book is now complete with full instructional content packed with resource links. It’s a great sign that most of these links include free alternatives to expensive software, so that you can still create a solid product on a tight budget.

The e-book is a very professional product indeed with both sharp graphics and content, well laid out and connected by navigation links. There are 7 sections to the e-book that covers:

1) Creating the plan
2) Selecting a product
3) Domain hosting
4a) Modifying an existing PLR product
4b) Creating a product from scratch
5) Creating graphics
6) Creating a sales page
7) Driving traffic

Best of all, in addition to the PDF ebook, you get to download MP3 files of each of the chapters that can be saved to your iPod or desktop for portable listening. There is also the choice of listening to them right on the website itself, so the choice of formats is a great plus point in this course.

As a basic member you also have access to the resources page that offers two other similar products plus a surprise FREE bonus that’s very helpful to product creation and private label rights (PLR) products.

My only little comment is in the affiliates section, which mentions selling your products on ClickBank and Paydotcom. Sure, while these 2 digital product networks are well-established and solid, I believe JVZoo should be added in as well, as it has gained popularity over the more recent past 2 years.

Option #2: Pro Member $17 – Option #1 plus:

10 Video Course

2 Physical Product videos

40 PLR Product Library + Keywords

Speedy Profit Creator - PLR

They also offer a $17 option which is called the “pro member”. For only $12 more from the basic option, the real kicker here is the PLR product library of 40 pre-created products that you can use right away, with 10 videos teaching you how to modify these PLR products to make them unique to you and to create a full sales funnel from scratch. There are also 4 sales page templates, so this option would speed up your product creation a lot more than the basic option.


Option #3: Macdaddy Member $37 – Option #2 plus:

SPC Software Access

Resell Rights to Options 1 and 2

This is obviously the most complete and best value for just $20 more from the pro option. The key here is the software access that basically automates a lot of the e-book and reports formatting process. Now, while there is no software that can write e-books for you, at least there is a software that will format your e-book for you professionally. So that’s what exactly this software does for you, once you have completed your e-book. With PDF and video tutorials, this is another huge time-saver since I don’t think anyone enjoys fumbling around with formatting on an already completed ebook.

The resell rights to Speedy Profit Creator (Basic and Pro versions) is a nice bonus to have too, so you do literally have an instant product to sell yourself.

Inside the site you’ll also see further offers for mentorship, done for you services and their flagship product called My Unfair Advantage created by the same author, Omar Martin and his wife, Melinda. Together, they formed this company, Higher Level Strategies, and further research shows they have a solid track record as Internet marketers, not to mention being the creator of IMTrustWorthy.com as well.

All in, Speedy Profit Creator gets a solid 4.8/5 stars rating from me. A very clearly presented offer, and best of all, everything is laid out upfront without any upsells or downsells. Having a choice of 3 options to pick from plus a free sampler is a great choice today, since honestly, it’s really hard to tell if a product is good these days unless you actually try it out for yourself. Glad to have done that above for your reading benefit here, and showing that the product does exactly what it claims to do.

So I’d highly recommend you give Speedy Profit Creator a try if you’d like to fasttrack your product creation today:

Speedy Profit Creator




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